How is the industry prospect of electric toothbrush?

1. The penetration rate of electric toothbrushes in my country is only 5%, which is quite different from that of developed countries, and the market space is broad; the penetration rate of electric toothbrushes in my country is lower than that of developed countries, and the market space is broad. The penetration rate of electric toothbrushes in several major developed countries in Europe and the United States all exceeds 15%, and even can reach more than 40%, while in my country it is less than 5%. It can be seen that my country’s electric toothbrush market is far from saturated, and the overall market has a lot of space.


2. my country’s electric toothbrush market has entered the growth stage from the introduction stage, and is about to usher in a stage of rapid development. As early as the beginning of this century, my country had already begun to manufacture and sell electric toothbrushes, but at that time there were problems such as weak awareness of oral care among residents, low consumption levels, expensive electric toothbrushes, and lack of outstanding advantages, so they failed to gain market recognition. In recent years, with the improvement of consumption level, the popularization of oral care knowledge, and the continuous enrichment of product categories and functions, my country’s electric toothbrush industry has entered a period of rapid growth, and the demand will usher in a new round of growth. In 2017, the retail sales of electric toothbrushes in my country increased by 92% year-on-year. It is estimated that by 2020, the market size of electric toothbrushes in my country will reach 50 billion yuan.

3.The toothbrush industry occupies a pivotal position in the oral cleaning products industry. China is the country with the largest production of toothbrushes in the world, and it is also the country with the largest consumption of toothbrushes in the world. In addition to supplying the domestic market, China’s toothbrush market also has a large number of exports. Toothbrush has a long history of development in China, forming a famous “toothbrush capital” at home and abroad, and the output of toothbrush ranks first in the world. Since the 1990s, toothbrush companies of many well-known international brands began to enter China, and now they have seized most of the domestic market. Relatively speaking, domestic toothbrush companies are currently mainly developing the domestic low-end market and the disposable toothbrush market, while the export market is mainly OEM processing, and their own brand development and publicity are insufficient. Though electric toothbrush is not still popularized in the application of my country, existing people’s prediction, it will become the important a member in the popular health products. Surveys show that electric toothbrushes are more scientific and effective than ordinary toothbrushes. Can remove dental plaque, reduce oral diseases such as gingivitis, periodontal disease and gingival hemorrhage, also be the generally popular article of daily use of present American-European many countries.


Post time: Jan-10-2023